Thursday 3 November 2016

Vomiting in Children's Bags Louis Vuitton Rp 14.5 Million Moms Should Torts

Misfortune befell this mother while on the plane with a child. Turbulence makes the child vomited on the brand Louis Vuitton bag belonging to a passenger sitting nearby. And the mother was ordered to pay compensation.

The poor mother tells the events that happened to the forum Mumsnet internet. The mother with the account name incognitoforonenight revealed how he was asked to pay compensation by a woman whose bag hit her vomit.

"We did a long trip on the plane and many turbulunce. My son vomiting continuously for half the journey. We clean it up. But an hour later, a woman sitting behind me talking to me. He said, I hope your son is fine, but she vomited on top of my bag, "the story of the mother.

When we are told that his vomit bags on the woman who turned out to be branded Louis Vuitton, the mother immediately apologized. "But he said, can not, he vomited on my bag. It's very expensive and you have to make your insurance pay for me to clean or fix it," the story of the mother again.

The lady owner Louis Vuitton bag was admitted for USD 14.5 million bags are damaged. Meanwhile, according to the mother, the woman saw the bag did not experience any damage.

It turned out that the damage is the owner of the bag is because of the smell of vomit that children of mothers continue to exist in her purse. And according to the Louis Vuitton can not eliminate the odor, so that the mother should replace it with a new bag.

The story is revealed with the mother's account name incognitoforonenight become viral. The story has been read more than 20 thousand times and received more than 500 comments were diverse. No comments were asking the mother does not need to meet the demand for compensation, there is also the opposite. Those who think otherwise assume vomit the little boy had damaged the branded bag.

What do you think? Should the mother pay compensation?